Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Ultimate Gaming Machine

Somehow, I want a gaming rig.
A very powerful gaming machine.
That can handle any gaming application thrown at it.
The ultimate all-in-one computer.
A desktop PC maybe.
Or just a notebook PC.
But I do prefer a notebook PC over a desktop these days.
Portability factor.

Alienware is a good name in gaming PC industry.
(Oh really?)
But it's damn expensive.
Way too much overpriced.
If you are smart enough, you can build your own ultimate gaming machine cheaper than those Alienware products, with same system specifications.
But why Alienware computers are crazy expensive?
Expensive because they are built from another planet.
Earth's currency is weak compared to Alien's currency.


PùRpLè LuV Me said...

apa lagi jat...ps4 la angkat satu...hahaha

The Author said...

Orang kata nak komputer la cik kak..tak minat ps ni..tapi kalau Cik Reen nak sponsor apa salahnya kan..? Saya terima je..Hehe;p

PùRpLè LuV Me said...

aduyaii..nak sponsor org yg elaun ribu riban ni cam weird mengalahkan alienware nye weird hahaha dah pi kumpul sehari rm10 letak dalam tabung...dah ckup pi beli pc ngamsoi nyer or kow2 nyer...hahaha